Thursday, April 24, 2008

High Street Park - The Bids Are In . . .

. . . and Borough Council will review them at our meeting on May 5th. The Express Times had this to say:

Bids received for Tatamy basketball and volleyball courts
Posted by Colin McEvoy April 24, 2008 14:58PM
Categories: Breaking News
Four construction companies placed bids today for new basketball and volleyball courts in Tatamy Borough.

The borough council will choose one of the bids at its May 5 meeting. Construction is expected to start next month and last about 30 days or less, officials said.

The lowest bid, placed by Forks Township-based Pan Companies, was $27,306. The other bids went as high as $36,000.

The courts will be built on High Street, just behind the Hope Lutheran Church and about two blocks from the borough municipal building, Councilman William Belkey said.

The new courts will replace a basketball court behind the municipal building, which was removed last year to make way for a new storage building, he said.

In addition to basketball and volleyball, the courts will include playground equipment and a handicap accessible walkway around the parameter of the area.

The borough received a $48,000 grant from the state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources for the courts. Remaining money will be used on playground equipment and other costs, Belkey said.

I ask all of you who are interested in this exciting development to come to the Council Meeting and get the latest information.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Get Out and Vote

Don't forget - GO VOTE TODAY! :-)

Proposed NASD 2008-2009 School Calendar

I'll have to give credit where credit is due and thank fellow blogger Ross and the News Over Coffee blog for this:

K-6-9 Orientation: Aug 25th
First day of School: Aug 26th (Tues)
(students would go to school T-Th for the first week and have the Friday before Labor Day off)
Oct 13-14: No School (In service days)
Spring Break would continue to be a full week (w/ Easter Monday off).
Last Day of School (w/o any snow make-ups): June 5th
Teachers Last Day of School: June 9th

This calendar was posted as part of a summary of the NASD Board Meeting - you can read the entire summary here.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Election Day

Tomorrow, Tuesday April 22, 2008 is a very important day for Pennsylvania and the nation as a whole, as we go to the voting booth to choose the candidate that we would like to represent our party (and hopefully lead the nation) in the November Presidential election.

I'm asking each of you to make sure that you get out and vote tomorrow for the candidate that you feel is the best to lead the nation. Each and every one of us has the ability to make a difference in this Primary election. It's time for a change (for the better) - and let's all of us, collectively, make that happen.

Don't forget that our polling place has moved from the Borough Hall to Hope Lutheran Church on 8th Street (Tatamy Road).

See you at the polls!