Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Traffic Signals - An Update . . .

The day is coming . . . this Thursday in fact, that the long awaited traffic signals will FINALLY be energized. The plan is as follows:

1. FLASH. The signals will be energized this coming Thursday morning - sometime around 10AM or so. For about a week, they will be in FLASH mode. The signal at 8th and Main will flash RED in both directions (this is currently a 4-way STOP), and the signal at 8th and Commerce / Mill Race Drive will flash YELLOW on 8th Street, and RED at Commerce / Mill Race.

2. STANDARD. Once everything checks out for a week in FLASH mode, PennDOT is scheduled to perform their final inspection / certification and will permit the signals to operate in their standard RED-YELLOW-GREEN mode next Thursday, 7/28/2011.

If this schedule changes, I'll update this post, but for now - this is the plan.

PLEASE - be careful as we transition from the 4-way "blinker" to the new traffic light. We don't want any accidents.
