Friday, August 7, 2009

A Few Things . . .

I need to get this in before Ross does his weekly round up :-). In any event - there's a few things going on worth mentioning:

Car Show
I hope you made it to the annual car show a few weeks back. For the most part, the weather held out, though there were a few showers early in the day. Thanks again to all the folks who brought their cars to share them with us.

August Council Meeting
This month's council meeting was rather uneventful, though I did propose that we draft an ordinance restricting through truck traffic in Tatamy Hunt. That's now in the works and I hope to have something on the books before the end of the year. Because Tatamy Hunt shares a main through street with Palmer Township, we need to get their OK to post signage and such. I thought we should get this ordinance on the books now, before the Chrin project ramps up and drivers get used to the idea that they might be able to cut through the development and get to Bushkill Drive. Bottom line - it will be "no trucks allowed except for local deliveries". Stay tuned.

The Nazareth Library Controversy
I guess I've steered clear of this thing long enough. I would like to comment on all this controversy of late regarding the Nazareth Library. Just a friendly reminder - this comment should NOT be interpreted as an official opinion of the Borough of Tatamy.

Moving on . . . As a public official, I would like nothing better than to say to the citizens of Tatamy that we will support the library. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, Tatamy Borough never saw the need to support the library. I don't know why, though my guess would be to say that they didn't want to raise taxes to generate the required revenue. Bottom line, the funds were never set aside, and now, the budget is so tight there aren't funds available.

Growing up in New Jersey, I was used to having access to the Hunterdon County Library System and it's many branches. When I moved to Pennsylvania way back in 1992, I was shocked to find out that there was no county sponsored library system - that each municipality was required to fund it's own library, or join with other municipalities to create a "regional library" - as is the case with the Memorial Library of Nazareth and Vicinity. I have been invited to attend their next Board Meeting (thank you Lynn) - which I plan to do, so I can learn more about the library, and their requirements for sponsorship from each municipality.

Now fellow Tatamy resident - this is where you come in. Are you truly interested in having access to the library? If it meant that taxes were to go up by XX% (a value yet to be determined) would you still support the change? Would you use the services of the library? Please - if you have never commented before - now is the time to do it. Send me an email - let me know your thoughts. Forward this post on to your neighbors - let them read it and ask that they answer the question. Let me know how you feel, so I can take your input to Council and, if the residents are truly interested in supporting the library, we'll see what needs to be done to make that happen. Feedback is important folks - it's the only way that change happens. Send your input to me using the email link below, or post a comment to this entry. I look forward to hearing from you.
