While not yet certified, here are the preliminary results for the local portion of the Tatamy Borough election:
Total Number of Voters
Out of 720 registered voters, 162 folks turned out at the polls, or 22.5%. Not bad for a municipal election.
MAYOR (Vote for One - ** UNOPPOSED **):
Luke J Duignam (R) - Total Votes: 129
Write in (unknown) - 1
TAX COLLECTOR (Vote for One - ** UNOPPOSED **):
Tracey Cressman (R): 127
BOROUGH COUNCIL (Vote for Not More than Three):
Hazel DeReamus (R): 126
Robert Hayes, Jr., (R): 122
Michael Racz (D): 75
Robert Fisher (R): 74
Cynthia J Duelley (R): 125
Joanne Wagner (R): 75
Bernice Correll (D): 66
For the balance of the election results, check with Northampton County Elections and search for Tatamy Boro.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Tatamy Borough - Local Election Returns
Monday, November 2, 2009
Election Day - Tuesday 11/3/2009
Just a friendly reminder - tomorrow, Tuesday 11/3/2009 is Election Day. Please come out and vote for the candidates who you would like to see represent you on the Borough Council for the next four years.
The local candidates running for election are as follows:
Borough Council
Hazel DeReamus (Republican - Former Tax Collector)
Robert Fisher (Incumbent - Borough Council President - Republican)
Michael Racz (Incumbent - Democrat)
Robert Hayes (Incumbent - Republican)
Luke Duignam (Incumbent - Republican)
** Mayor Duignam is running unopposed
I will post the results of the election tomorrow night once the polls have closed and the results have been released.
Please - come out and vote tomorrow and show support for your local candidates. Thank you!
Tatamy Borough Council Meeting - 11/2/2009 - Agenda
Are you coming to the meeting tonight? If so, here's the agenda:
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Approval of October meeting minutes
5. Treasurer's Report
6. Approval of Disbursements and Receipts
7. Planning and Zoning Discussion
8. Engineer's Report
9. Solicitor's Report
- Rental Inspection Program Ordinance
- Extending St. Peter's UCC Parking Area
10. Old Business
- Sewer Authority Discussion (carryover from October meeting)
11. New Business
- First reading - 2010 Budget
12. Open discussion from the floor
13. Police Committee
14. Mayor's Report
15. Sewer Authority
16. Correspondence
17. "Good of the Order"
18. Adjournment
Just a reminder - the meeting starts at 7:30PM at the Borough Hall. Hope to see you there!