Here is the 2009 Tatamy Borough meeting schedule. Unless otherwise stated, all meetings will be held at the Tatamy Borough Hall, 423 Main Street, Tatamy, PA at 7:30PM Prevailing Time. Mark your calendars!
Tatamy Borough Council will meet on Monday, January 5, 2009 for Reorganization and a regular monthly meeting. Regular meetings for the remainder of the year will be held on the first Monday of every month, with the exception of September, which will be held on Tuesday, September 7, 2009. A special meeting will be held on Monday December 21, 2009 to adopt the 2010 Budget.
Tatamy Borough Planning Commision will meet on the second Tuesday of every month with the exception of September, which will be held on Wednesday, September 9th.
Tatamy Borough Sewer Authority will meet on the second Thursday of every month.
Tatamy Borough Police Committee will meet on the last Thursday of every month except for November, which will be held on Wednesday November 25, 2009 and December, which will be held on Wednesday, December 23, 2009.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
2009 Tatamy Borough Meeting Schedule
2009 Proposed Tatamy Borough Budget
The proposed 2009 Tatamy Borough budget is available for public inspection through December 15, 2008 at the Borough Office - 423 Main Street - Tatamy between the hours of 9AM to 5PM Monday through Friday daily.
The proposed General Fund budget = $527,354.00
The proposed Highway Aid budget = $32,504.00
The proposed Refuse Fund budget = $146,148.00
The proposed 2009 Tax Rate is 11 Mills.
Tatamy Borough Council will vote on the budget at a special meeting on Monday, December 15, 2008 at 7:30PM at the Borough Office.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Christmas Tree Lighting Sunday
The annual lighting of our Christmas Tree will be held this coming Sunday, December 7 at the Municipal Building. The festivities start at 6:30PM, and Santa arrives courtesy of the Tatamy Fire Company around 7. It's always a fun event - my family and I hope to see you there!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
December Borough Council Roundup
OK - a little late, but better late than never. Here's a summary of this past Monday's Borough Council meeting:
1. Rental Agreement Form for Landlords. The Planning Commission has prepared, and the Borough Solicitor has reviewed and approved, a new form to be sent to all landlords to complete to identify their tenants. Council approved. The form will be sent to the landlords at the beginning of the year.
2. Crosswalk at the corner of 7th and Main. The planning commission presented a request to have a crosswalk installed at the corner of 7th and Main Streets. A motion was made by me to have a crosswalk installed. I felt it was the right thing to do - it's a school bus stop and a lot of residents use that intersection to go between North Tatamy and the main portion of town. Council and the Police Chief discussed the issue at length, and the motion ultimately failed, 4 to 2. Chapter 35, Subchapter C, Sections 3542 and 3543 of the Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Code outlines the rules concerning pedestrian crossing and rights of way (if you're so inclined, you can read it here). Bottom line, pedestrians in a crosswalk have the right of way. The fear is that if a crosswalk is installed, pedestrians would step into the crosswalk and automatically expect vehicles to stop. We don't want to see anyone get hurt. Without a crosswalk, vehicles have the right of way and the burden is placed solely on the pedestrian to determine whether or not it's safe to cross.
Engineers Report
1. Municipal Map Update. Its time to update the official municipal map. Council has forwarded to the Planning Commission for their recommendation as to what they want to see on the map (e.g. public buildings, parks, etc).
2. "Jake Brake" Retarder Study. Bob Mack has stated that there should not be any issues with PennDOT and we have given him the authority to draft and submit to PennDOT for approval a draft ordinance to implement a ban on the use of Jake Brakes in Tatamy on 8th and Main Streets. PennDOT has to grant approval before we can advertise and pass an ordinance. Stay tuned . . .
3. Chrin Commerce Centre Plan Recording. The final plan for the Chrin Commerce Centre has been signed and recorded with the County.
4. Tatamy Hunt Street Dedication. 5 of 9 lights have been activated. Word is that MetEd has to replace a defective piece of equipment to energize the remaining four lights. The ordinance for street dedication will be presented at the 12/15 special meeting.
Solicitors Report
1. A revised Peddler's Ordinance was reviewed and approved by Council.
That's about it folks. Please note that there is a special meeting that is scheduled to be held on 12/15 at 7:30PM to discuss and pass the 2009 operating budget.
See you around town!
Bushkill Creek Fishkill Update
Apparently the investigation concerning why the Bushkill Creek dried up earlier this year is continuing.
The Express Times has an article in today's paper here.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Let There (almost) Be Light!
Can you believe that last night 5 of the 9 street lights in Tatamy Hunt were actually on? I believe MetEd will be back in the next day or so to finish up - something about replacing a damaged piece of equipment. There is hope after all!
John - stop complaining about that bright light shining into your window - HA!
Council Roundup coming later today. Stay tuned! :-)
Sunday, November 30, 2008
12/1 Borough Council Meeting - Agenda
Hello everyone! I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving Holiday, and that you didn't eat too much - HA!
Can you believe it's December already? The following items of interest are on the agenda for tomorrow night's Borough Council meeting:
1. Rental Agreement Form for Landlords
2. Yes/No on a crosswalk at the corner of Main and 7th. This is a school bus stop, and is frequently used by folks walking from the main part of town to North Tatamy. I vote "yes". Let's see what my colleagues think.
1. Municipal map update
2. Jake Brake Ordinance update
3. Recording of the plans for the Chrin Commerce Centre
4. Dedication of streets in Tatamy Hunt (contingent of course on having the street lights turned on. At last check, you guessed it, they were still dark).
1. Adoption of a revised Peddler's Ordinance
2. Tatamy Hunt Street Lights (need I say more?)
The 2nd reading of the 2009 Tatamy Borough Budget will be read.
That's all folks. Borough Council meets tomorrow evening, 12/1/2008 at 7:30PM at the Borough Hall. I hope to see you there!