Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Mark Your Calendars! Some Important Dates . . .

FAMILY DAY: Sunday - August 14, 2011. Further details will be announced in the coming days - most likely you will be receiving a flyer in your door / on your doorstep.

ANNUAL YARD SALE: Gather up your belongings and get the tables ready. The Tatamy Borough-Wide Yard Sale is scheduled for Saturday, August 27, 2011.

SEPTEMBER BOROUGH COUNCIL MEETING: Tuesday, September 6, 2011 (Monday is Labor Day).

Council Meeting Update / Other . . .

A few items of interest from last night's council meeting:

1. ROAD PAVING PROJECT: The Borough received two bids for the road paving project to rehabilitate the back streets (Green, West, etc.). The bids were:

- Muschlitz Construction - $120,404.40
- Lehigh Valley Site Contractors - $99,481

The contract was awarded to Lehigh Valley Site Contractors. This will be funded through a grant that the Borough received from the Monroe County Gaming Commission. I don't yet have a start date - but it needs to be finished before October 15th. As soon as I get additional information, I'll keep you posted.

2. MAIN STREET BRIDGE PROJECT: According to the contractor, the anticipated start date is on or about 9/20/2011. Again, as we get closer to the date I hope to have additional information for you.

3. NORTH TATAMY - METZ PARK: It was brought to Council's attention last night that the basketball courts at Metz Park are in need of rehabilitation. We will be investigating the cost and options to repair the court, and hope to have additional information at next month's meeting.

And now for "Other . . ."

As most of you probably know by now, there is a massive fire burning at Nicos Polymers in Plainfield Township this morning. Our very own Tatamy Fire Company was spotted there - photo courtesy to Nazareth Patch (Mallory Vough). Stay safe guys!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Borough Council - Tonight - 7:30PM

Just a friendly reminder, Tatamy Borough Council meets this evening at 7:30PM at the Borough Hall.

Some of the items on tonight's agenda include:

1. Traffic Lights - YES - they're FINALLY operational. We need to discuss the maintenance and upkeep agreement(s) that were proposed.

2. The Borough solicited for bids for some road paving work - specifically to finish up paving work that is way overdue for the back streets - (e.g. Green, West). The bids were received and Council will be awarding the contract to the lucky bidder.

3. Employee Handbook. This is long overdue - but we are in the process of drafting an Employee Handbook.

4. Main Street Bridge Construction. The Borough was offered a sum of money from PennDOT for some right-of-way easements. These will need to be reviewed and approved by Council.

That about sums it up folks. Hope to see you tonight at 7:30.