Friday, October 31, 2008

Borough Council Monday Night

Now that October is all but over (Happy Halloween everyone) I wanted to remind you that Borough Council meets on Monday night (November 3rd) at 7:30PM at the Borough Hall. Among the items we're going to be discussing are the first reading of the borough Budget (there are three readings total), and, perhaps even more important, the continued lack of progress toward getting the lights turned on over in Tatamy Hunt. I encourage everyone to come to the meeting - i) to hear the budget reading, and ii) to get the latest information on the (lack of) progress toward getting the lights turned on in Tatamy Hunt. As I understand it, MetEd is waiting on information (an inspection report for the lighting installation I believe) from Mr. Steve Goffredo, the Project Coordinator for the developer. This documentation was supposed to have been provided weeks ago - why it hasn't (or if it has and was misplaced) will be determined on Monday.

I hope to see you there! Have a great weekend everyone! :-)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Trick-or-Treat - Friday!

Tatamy's Trick-or-Treat is scheduled for this coming Friday evening, Halloween, 10/31/2008 from 6 to 8PM. See you there!

I advise Tatamy Hunt residents to have a flashlight handy. It appears that MetEd is still waiting on some documentation from the developer's project manager before they can energize the lights. All this inaction is driving me absolutely crazy, but unfortunately the ball is not in our court right now.