Friday, February 12, 2010

Two Hour Delay Today, Friday, 2/12/2010

In case you haven't already heard, there is a two hour delay today for students attending the Nazareth Area School District.

Be safe everyone!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

School's Closed Tomorrow, Thursday, 2/11/2010

In case you hadn't already heard, children who attend the Nazareth Area School District are getting an extra day off tomorrow due to the inclement weather.

A Ride With Frank

I would like to introduce you to Frank Young, Road Foreman for Tatamy Borough.

Last Saturday, I had the opportunity to ride along with Frank while he cleared snow from the streets. Let me tell you - what an eye opening experience.

Bottom line - it's a thankless job. Everyone expects it to be done, yet everyone has a complaint. The complaints range from "why haven't you cleared my road yet?" to "why are you constantly putting the snow in my driveway after I just finished shoveling it out?" We met some really great people along the way. We were given coffee (thank you). Most folks waved as we went by. However, unfortunately there are also some really nasty folks out there. We got cursed at, and more than once I saw the one fingered salute.

Plowing the roads is not an easy task. Sure - everyone thinks all you need to do is ride around in the truck where it's nice and warm, and push the snow out of the way. Well - let me tell you that's totally not the case. There are other cars (both parked and moving); children sledding; snowmobiles cutting in front of you; trees, mailboxes, and those dreadful manhole covers that, if hit just right, will jar all the teeth in your mouth loose.

Here are a few examples:

Overgrown trees. This particular tree in North Tatamy is way overgrown and, as you can tell, is sticking out into the road. This coming spring, the borough will be working with property owners to identify and trim the trees that are in the borough's right of way.

Mailboxes. These particular mailboxes are too far over the curb. If we weren't careful and just motoring down the road, they would have been trashed for sure. Please - for those of you in town who have mailboxes (and there are more and more popping up every day it seems) - make sure that they are installed so that they're a few inches back from the curb. Information on the proper way to install your mailbox can be found on the US Post Office's website by clicking here.

A few other things to remember:

1. The borough has established a priority order of which streets get plowed in what order. A map is posted in the lobby of the Borough Office that designates the order in which the streets get plowed.

2. Unfortunately the cul-de-sacs are done last. Sorry folks - it's just the way it is. The main roads have to be cleared first. Speaking of cul-de-sacs, there has been a rash of complaints lately "why are you dumping the snow all over my lawn?" When the developers submit their plans for the sub-division, included in those plans are designated areas in the cul-de-sac where the snow is to be placed. The borough is placing the snow in these designated areas.

3. Please stay out of the way of the plow. It's a big truck and doesn't stop or turn on a dime as it is. Add the weight of the large plow and several tons of salt and cinders in the bed of the truck and, well, you know the rest of the story.

4. Please understand that the priority of the borough is clearing the streets as soon as possible. Please also understand that while we don't enjoy it, unfortunately snow is going to be dumped in your driveway. That's what happens. It's unavoidable. It's part of living in an area where it snows. A suggestion perhaps would be to wait until we've finished our clearing operation before you shovel your driveway clear. If you are curious as to when it would be OK to shovel your driveway, flag Frank down and ask him if he's finished with your particular street yet. If he is, great - go ahead and shovel out (DO NOT THROW THE SNOW IN THE STREET), if not, he'll probably give you a good idea when he will be done so that you can plan accordingly.

5. DO NOT THROW YOUR SNOW INTO THE STREET. This includes snowblowers. If you're caught you risk getting a ticket that comes with a pretty hefty fine.

Thanks in advance for your support.

Snow Emergency

Well, in case you haven't looked out your window yet, the world outside is getting very white again. Our friends at the National Weather Service are forecasting anywhere between 12 and 16 inches of snow for our area. Having said that, Mayor Duignam declared a snow emergency yesterday (2/9/2010) evening, beginning at 9PM. That means that once again, vehicles are prohibited from parking on streets designated as Snow Emergency Routes.

Please - give the road crew a break - and let them do their job and keep the roads clear for us. I had the opportunity to ride with Frank Young last week, took some pictures and will post them here later today. Let me tell you this - it's not as easy as you would think.

If you're traveling today, be safe.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Borough Council Roundup - 2/1/2010

Sorry it's late folks - been very busy. In any event, the meeting for the most part was relatively uneventful. Some highlights:

1. I have decided to sit on the Residential Rental Property Inspection Program committee. While the program has passed and is now officially on the books, there are things that still need to be ironed out - so I thought it would be best if I sat on the board and offered, wherever and however I can, some assistance to ensure the success of this program.

2. We passed the ordinance designating several additional streets in the new developments (Tatamy Hunt and Fieldstone) as "Snow Emergency Routes". Please folks - when it's going to snow - remove your cars from the Snow Emergency Routes. I had the opportunity to once again ride in the plow with Frank Young, our road foreman on Saturday afternoon. What an eye opening experience. I have several photos of that adventure that I will share with you shortly. Please also remember that the guys driving the plow trucks are doing their jobs. Yes - I understand that it sucks when the snow gets dumped on your driveway after you've just cleared it. Unfortunately there's no other way. Frustrating? Absolutely. Does it merit getting yourself all riled up and swearing at us as we're driving by? No. Also - do NOT, under any circumstances, throw your snow into the street. This includes snowblowers. Please make sure that the snowblower chutes are aimed toward your property and not out into the street. If you're caught throwing snow into the street you risk getting a ticket. Thank you in advance for your support.

3. Help Wanted. The borough has two open positions:

- Borough Secretary. In case you haven't already heard, Joanne Keifer is no longer with the borough. We wish her well as she pursues other opportunities. This is a part-time position, maximum of 30 hours / week with no benefits. If you're a detail oriented, organized individual with office experience, please stop down the Borough Office and turn in you resume and fill out an application. I will be interviewing next week.

- Part Time Police Officer. All applicants must be Act 120 certified. If interested, please submit an application at the Borough Office. All applications must be received by 4:30PM on Tuesday, 2/23/2010.

That's about it for this month folks. Stay tuned - looks like more snow (and the fun that goes with it) is on the way!