Just a quick post today with some interesting library statistics (thanks to borough secretary Joanne Kiefer).
Since 2006 (this is as far as I've gone back in history) Tatamy Borough has spent a total of $712.50 in library reimbursements for our residents who have library cards at the Palmer (Easton) Library. The breakdown is as follows:
Membership fees for the Easton Library are $30/adult and $5/child. The borough will reimburse half of the fee.
2006: $165.00 (10 adults / 5 children)
2007: $255.00 (16 adults / 6 children)
2008: $155.00 (9 adults / 8 children)
And so far for 2009, $137.50 (15 adults / 5 children)
As far as the feedback that I've been getting from the Tatamy residents concerning this issue (thank you very much - keep it coming please) - the majority of the folks are in favor of keeping things the way they are. Here's one that I found rather interesting:
The Easton Library is a little further away but the library is bigger and the staff have been very friendly. When I just renewed my card, they reminded me of the reimbursement. It’s nice to have books available when every kid in school is assigned the same project – Easton has more resources.
I was also just reminded that several years ago (I can't remember when) there was a referendum on the ballot to support the library that the voters turned down. I'll try to get some more info on that one and post it here.
In any event - I thought these were interesting statistics and decided to share them with you. Unless I'm missing something, I can't see justifying an $11 to $14K spend /year when we've only spent just over $700 in four.
Have a good day everyone!