Wednesday, June 11, 2008

June Borough Council Round-up

Hello everyone - here's a brief summary of the June Council Meeting held last Monday for all those who are interested:

1. Dale Fern attended a class that discussed putting together a rental property inspection and presented the results of the class to Council. Council asked Dale to form a committee to determine the types of requirements and what would be needed to put together a program to inspect rental properties within the borough, to include fees, timing, etc. We will most likely readdress this next month.

2. Zoning Officer John Soloe presented a new proposed fee schedule; basically upgrading our permit and application fees to align with other municipalities, and to allow for more commercial development. Council tabled further discussion on this until next month.

3. Borough Engineer Bob Mack presented a few items:

- A report on the street lights in the new Chrin Commerce Center - they are in fact powered by PPL feeds, so we won't have to deal with the same issue that we've been dealing with for months now in the Tatamy Hunt subdivision with the change in power providers (MetEd vs. the borough's provider PPL Utilities) when it comes time to turn on the street lights. Speaking of the street lights in Tatamy Hunt, we are no closer to coming to an agreement on that one. I believe the borough is going to go back to the developer and make them resolve it.

- The contractor for the Chrin Commerce Center may be coming before Council next month to request i) a realignment of a few lot lines to make them align with the Palmer Township/Tatamy Borough line, and ii) to rename a few of the streets within the development to accomodate a potential tenant.

4. Council (me) presented a few ideas to the Borough Secretary on how to improve her meeting notes. For those of you who attend the meetings regularly, you will know that I and a few others are very particular with the minutes that are published, and will not hesitate to point out mistakes, misspellings, etc. that are contained in them. The minutes of our meetings are public records - they will go on in history forever - and if they are not 100% accurate, do not reflect what truly went on. Anyway, I gave her some suggestions, and hope to see some real improvement soon. We shall see . . .

5. Just a reminder, in preparation for the completion of the new High Street Park, the new stop sign has been installed at the corner of 6th and High Streets. This is now a 4-way stop intersection! Please pay special attention to it (e.g. don't go through it . . . ).

6. Larry Koehler, Chairman of the Sewer Authority, reported that they will, at this month's meeting, plan to adopt the new fee schedule. Sewer billing will be delayed by a week and will reflect the new schedule.

That's about it for this month. As always, let me know if you have any questions!

Thanks for stopping by.