Hi Guys,
OK - so I have gotten a complaint that nothing has been posted, and for that I apologize. To be honest, however, there really isn't much to talk about.
Here's a quick update:
Planning and Zoning
1. Review a complaint received regarding a property on Main St.
Unfortunately we really can't do much about this. The house in question is up to code (as far as we can tell). The borough can't control what a property looks like, and as long as there aren't public safety issues, there's not much we can do.
Engineer's Report
1. Review what appears to be an ongoing issue with drainage in Tatamy Hunt.
The condition has been noted, and the Borough has received a quote to perform the repairs. Unfortunately due to the cold winter weather, this work will need to wait until spring.
2. Discuss the (still non-operational) street lighting in Tatamy Hunt.
Met-Ed is aware of the one fixture that is still not operational and I believe they need some additional parts. All the street lights in Tatamy Hunt will be replaced in the coming few months so I'm not sure how much money they will invest to get this one particular fixture operational.
Old Business
1. Discuss our Emergency Management Plan - and perhaps talk about scheduling drills.
Unfortunately our Emergency Management Coordinator was unable to be at the meeting, so this was tabled until March. We do need to start doing something on this particular issue and I will not let it get pushed to the proverbial back burner.
Now for the "other" . . .
1. Just (another) friendly reminder -- if you live on a "Snow Emergency" street, PLEASE move your vehicles from the street so that Frank can plow the roads properly. Once the roads are cleared you can move your car back in front of your house. I know it's a pain (I have to do it also) but we will all be better off in the end. Most people comply with this request, and for that I thank you. There are still a few folks though who don't seem to feel it's important to move their cars. The Borough isn't going to declare a snow emergency every time it snows, but if we continually see folks who don't move their cars, we will, and you will be towed, so please - move your car, let us plow and then put your car back. Thank you.
2. Speaking of snow plowing, you may have noticed an abundant amount of cinders and such left behind this year. As you probably have noticed, we have had an awful lot of icing, which results in the need to spread more salt/cinders than usual. This past weekend I swept up the cinders and such out front - and it appears as though I may have started a trend because a lot of my neighbors have done the same thing. In any event, I left them in two piles, one at each end of my property. In the past I know that the road crew would pick up the piles if they had time. I'm not sure if they're doing that this year or not, but will ask and let you know. In any event, they're going to stay there and in the spring the cleaning company will pick them up for sure.
That's about it for now -- please drop a note or give a call (using that fancy link off to the right there) any time.
Thanks for reading!