Wow - what a turnout yesterday! Thanks to everyone who took time out of their busy days to come down to Hope Lutheran Church to cast a vote in what turned out to be a very historical election.
I thought I'd provide some local statistics.
Please note these results are UNOFFICIAL. Source: Northampton County. First - Tatamy . . .
Total Registered Voters: 751
Total Turnout: 547 + 23 Absentees = 570 or 75.9%.
I don't know if this is a borough record, but it certainly is impressive. Now if we could only get this many people to come and vote in EVERY election!
Obama/Biden (D): 265
McCain/Palin (R): 287
Nader/Gonzalez (I): 8
Barr/Root (LIB): 8
Attorney General
Morganelli (D): 312
Corbett (R): 222
Rogers (LIB): 6
Auditor General
Wagner (D): 262
Beiler (R): 244
Summers (LIB): 8
Representative in Congress - 15th District
Bennett (D): 192
Dent (R): 339
Representative in the General Assembly - 137th District
Grucela (D): 376 (Unopposed)
Water/Sewer Bond Referendum
Yes: 214
No: 134
Northampton County Controller
Yes: 218
No: 117
Now - the Northampton County Rollup - Key Races that affect Tatamy:
Total Registered Voters: 208,521
Total Turnout: 131,225 + 6,158 Absentees = 137,383 or 65.88%.
Obama/Biden (D): 74,956
McCain/Palin (R): 58,352
Nader/Gonzalez (I): 1,251
Barr/Root (LIB): 524
Attorney General
Morganelli (D): 78,842
Corbett (R): 47,966
Rogers (LIB): 1,387
Auditor General
Wagner (D): 70,721
Beiler (R): 48,590
Summers (LIB): 1,962
State Treasurer
McCord (D): 66,883
Ellis (R): 52,234
Etzel (LIB): 1,702
Representative in Congress - 15th District
Bennett (D): 53,302
Dent (R): 74,754
Representative in the General Assembly - 137th District
Grucela (D): 23,217 (Unopposed)
Water/Sewer Bond Referendum
Yes: 47,754
No: 33,732
Northampton County Controller
Yes: 50,017
No: 29,679
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Election Day Roundup - Tatamy Borough Summary and County Roll-up
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
November Borough Council Roundup
Here's a summary of last night's council meeting:
1. Jake Braking - Bob Mack (Borough Engineer) is going to be moving forward with the drafting of the ordinance for PennDOT review (they're required to sign-off on all anti-engine braking ordinances before municipalities pass them). Hopefully we can get something passed soon. More to come on this topic next month.
2. Signature Homes/Tatamy Farms Development Extension - Mr. Tom Maloney was at the council meeting last night and requested another six-month extension. The market conditions as most of you know are not conducive for real-estate development, nobody is buying houses right now, so he's not in a position to begin building. Hearing no opposition from anyone present, Council granted the six-month extension. We will readdress again in May.
3. Tatamy Hunt Street Lighting - After several attempts at faxing the inspection reports, MetEd FINALLY received a copy of them Monday morning and are now working to get the lights energized. Right now their target date is Friday, 11/14/2008. Hopefully we can get it done sooner, but that's the date that we were given. Stay tuned.
4. Tatamy Hunt Street Dedication - Council and the Developer have agreed on the terms of the dedication of the streets in Tatamy Hunt. This will most likely happen at the December council meeting.
5. The first reading of the 2009 Operating Budget was presented.
6. Northampton County has announced a program whereby residents without prescription drug coverage are eligible to receive a 22% discount off the cost of their prescriptions. If you're interested, please see Joanne in the Borough Office for the paperwork.
That's about it for this month. GET OUT AND VOTE!
Election Day Update
As of about 12:45 this afternoon, there were 283 voters through the polls. That's an awesome turnout. I can only imagine what it's going to be like later today.
Please get out there and show your support by voting for the candidate of your choice!
Thanks and maybe I'll see you later this afternoon at the polls!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Election Day
Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 4, 2008 is Election Day. Please exercise your right to vote in what might be the most important election in a very long time. Our polling place is located at the Hope Lutheran Church on 8th Street. The polls are open from 7AM until 8PM.
The Lehigh Valley League of Women Voters has published their annual Voters Guide, which can be found here.
See you at the polls!
Tonight's Council Meeting Agenda
In case you're interested, the following items are on the agenda to be discussed at tonight's Borough Council meeting (in no particular order):
JT Maloney - Signature Homes - Extension Request
Tatamy Hunt
- Water Drainage Issues
- Street Lighting (will this never end?)
Updating the Municipal Map
Traffic Light Agreement with Chrin
Tatamy's Website
2009 Operating Budget - FIRST READING
Council meets tonight at 7:30PM in the Municipal Building. See you there!