Well, it's an hour before midnight on the 31st of December, 2008. In a few days, I'll post "2008 - The Year in Review" - our accomplishments, and what I hope to see in the next year here in Tatamy.
Thanks to all of my readers - the statistics that I get about visitors surprise me every day. I'll summarize them one day here when I have some spare time - there's lots of data to parse through, but here are some highlights. Since I started keeping statistics in March, we have had 2,443 visitors. Out of that 2,443 visitors, 187 of you have been back more than 200 times. For that, I thank each and every one of you. Who would have thought?
I hope 2008 was a good year for you, and please accept my best wishes for a Happy, Healthy, Safe and Prosperous 2009.
Thanks for reading!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year,
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