Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Rep. Grucela Announces a NASD Property Tax Reduction

I got this in an email from Rep. Grucela this morning:

I’m pleased to announce that homeowners living in the Nazareth Area School District can expect to see an estimated $218 reduction in their school property taxes this summer.

The cuts for Nazareth Area homeowners are made possible by the more than $612 million in slots proceeds in the state’s Property Tax Relief Fund. The school district will receive the slots money from the state and will use it to adjust local homeowners’ property tax bills.

Coupled with the property tax relief available to low-income seniors who need it most through the expanded Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program, the state will provide more than $786 million in tax cuts next year.

The Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program offers rebates of up to $650, but for seniors who earn less than $30,000 and whose property taxes are more than 15 percent of their income, the rebate will be increased by an additional 50 percent.

Although complete property tax elimination is my ultimate goal, and I have a proposal before the House that would address the antiquated school funding formula, the property tax relief that Nazareth Area homeowners will see this summer is a welcome first step.

Monday, May 5, 2008

2008-2009 Nazareth Area School District Calendar

For those of you who are interested, the Nazareth Area School District has posted their approved 2008-2009 School Calendar on their website.

For planning purposes, I thought I'd outline some key dates:

8/22: First day for staff (Professional Development)
8/25: Orientation for Kindergarten, Grade 6 and Grade 9; No school for other students.
8/26: First day of school for all students
8/29: No school for students

9/1: No school - Labor Day Holiday

10/13 and 10/14: No school for students

11/21 through 11/25: Early Dismissal; Parent Teacher Conferences
11/26: Early Dismissal
11/27 and 11/28: Thanksgiving Holiday

12/1: Thanksgiving Holiday
12/23: Early Dismissal
12/24 through 12/31: Winter Break

1/1 and 1/2: Winter Break
1/19: No school for students

2/16: No school - President's Day Holiday

3/17 through 3/19: Early Dismissal - Parent Teacher Conferences

4/6 through 4/13: Spring Break (** NOTE ** 4/6 and 4/7 are designated as the "First and Second Snow Make-up Days")

5/15: Early Dismissal
5/25: No school - Memorial Day Holiday

6/3 - 6/4: Early Dismissal
6/5: Early Dismissal - Last Day of School
6/8: Snow Make-up Day
6/9: Snow Make-up Day

You can download/print a copy of it here.

Tonight's Council Meeting - Preliminary Agenda

Some topics for discussion at tonight's council meeting will include:

1. The bids for the construction of the basketball / volleyball courts on the new High Street Park.

2. Approval of the 4-way stop sign ordinance at the corner of High and Sixth Streets.

3. Status of the street lighting in the Tatamy Hunt sub-division.

4. Signature Homes is expected to ask for an extension to file their final subdivision plans. They are looking to develop the field in North Tatamy to the north of Main Street (the plot of land between Equipto and the houses already in North Tatamy).

I hope to see some of you there!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Husky Market Robbery

It appears that the Husky Market on Tatamy Road in the Crown Plaza shopping plaza was robbed on Friday. You can read all about it here.

Reminder - Borough Council Monday Night

Don't forget, our monthly Borough Council meeting will be held Monday May 5, 2008 at 7:30PM Monday, May 5, 2008 at the Borough Hall. I hope to see you there!