Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Council Roundup - 12/7/2009 Meeting

It certainly was a long night last night. Here's the highlights:

Rental Property Inspection Program: After much debate, Council passed the Rental Property Inspection Program - there were two dissenting votes (Bill Kiefer and myself). While I think it's a good program, I personally don't think that the borough is ready for it just yet. Having said that, I would like to thank Dale Fern, Pam Pearson, Adolph Marth and the remaining members of the committee for all their hard work and dedication that was required to put together the program, and I truly hope it's successful. There will be a public hearing scheduled at some point in the (hopefully) not too distant future with the committee, the inspector that the borough has hired and the landlords (and tenants I suppose) to review the program in its entirety, and answer any questions that folks may have. As soon as I get the date, I'll post it here for you.

Resolution authorizing Tax and Revenue Anticipation Note:
Council approved the borrowing of $100,000 from the Tatamy Borough Sewer Authority. The funds will be used to cover cash flow needs until the tax money comes due in April (hence Tax and Revenue Anticipation). The note will be payable, in full, in June of 2010 in the amount of $100,500.

Everything else on the agenda below was discussed and approved, to include the 2nd reading of the 2010 Operating Budget. So far, no tax increase.

The final budget reading (and approval) will take place on Monday, December 21, 2009 at 7:30PM at the Municipal Building.

There you go folks! Have a great day!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Borough Council Agenda - 12/7/2009

The following items are on the agenda for tonight's Borough Council Meeting:

Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call

Approval of November 2, 2009 Council Meeting Minutes

Treasurer's Report and Approval of Receipts and Disbursements

Planning and Zoning - Discuss tentative administrative program for Rental Inspection Program

Engineer's Report - Discuss traffic signal installation

Solicitor's Report
1) Resolution authorizing Tax and Revenue Anticipation Note
2) Discuss raising Borough Council President's Compensation
3) Motion from Council to pass "Residential Rental Housing Licensing and Inspection System" Ordinance and adopting the "International Property Maintenance Code".

Old Business
1. Establish an Emergency Management Committee
2. Motion to approve the 2008 Audit
3. Motion to approve final payment of $269.79 (plus accrued current interest) in Tatamy Hunt Escrow Account and close the Tatamy Hunt Escrow Account

New Business
1. Approve payment of sewer bill, refuse bill and fuel bill from the Special Relief Fund for the Special Needs of a Tatamy Resident
2. Request from the Nazareth Rotary to use Braden Park in August 2010
3. Budget Committee suggests closing the following accounts and depositing the funds (plus any current accrued interest) into a checking or savings account:
- Rails to Trails: $15.60
- Grant Money (Dirt/Gravel): $28.25
- Truck Fund: $122.97
4. Request from Chrin Brothers in support of their Landfill Renewal Application

Also included:

Comments from the Floor

Police Committee Report

Mayor's Report

Sewer Authority


2010 Budget - 2nd Reading

Reminder - council meets tonight at 7:30PM at the Municipal Building - 423 Broad Street. See you there!