Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Day Roundup - Tatamy Borough Summary and County Roll-up

Wow - what a turnout yesterday! Thanks to everyone who took time out of their busy days to come down to Hope Lutheran Church to cast a vote in what turned out to be a very historical election.

I thought I'd provide some local statistics.

Please note these results are UNOFFICIAL. Source: Northampton County. First - Tatamy . . .

Total Registered Voters: 751
Total Turnout: 547 + 23 Absentees = 570 or 75.9%.
I don't know if this is a borough record, but it certainly is impressive. Now if we could only get this many people to come and vote in EVERY election!

Obama/Biden (D): 265
McCain/Palin (R): 287
Nader/Gonzalez (I): 8
Barr/Root (LIB): 8

Attorney General
Morganelli (D): 312
Corbett (R): 222
Rogers (LIB): 6

Auditor General
Wagner (D): 262
Beiler (R): 244
Summers (LIB): 8

Representative in Congress - 15th District
Bennett (D): 192
Dent (R): 339

Representative in the General Assembly - 137th District
Grucela (D): 376 (Unopposed)

Water/Sewer Bond Referendum
Yes: 214
No: 134

Northampton County Controller
Yes: 218
No: 117

Now - the Northampton County Rollup - Key Races that affect Tatamy:

Total Registered Voters: 208,521
Total Turnout: 131,225 + 6,158 Absentees = 137,383 or 65.88%.

Obama/Biden (D): 74,956
McCain/Palin (R): 58,352
Nader/Gonzalez (I): 1,251
Barr/Root (LIB): 524

Attorney General
Morganelli (D): 78,842
Corbett (R): 47,966
Rogers (LIB): 1,387

Auditor General
Wagner (D): 70,721
Beiler (R): 48,590
Summers (LIB): 1,962

State Treasurer
McCord (D): 66,883
Ellis (R): 52,234
Etzel (LIB): 1,702

Representative in Congress - 15th District
Bennett (D): 53,302
Dent (R): 74,754

Representative in the General Assembly - 137th District
Grucela (D): 23,217 (Unopposed)

Water/Sewer Bond Referendum
Yes: 47,754
No: 33,732

Northampton County Controller
Yes: 50,017
No: 29,679

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