Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Tatamy Borough Council - 3/3/2008 Wrap-up

Hi Everyone -- here's a summary of the latest happenings and last night's Council meeting. Please keep in mind that these thoughts are mine only and are in no way to be interpreted as "official meeting minutes". Your thoughts, comments, and suggestions are welcome and encouraged!

1. Sidewalks. We (borough council) have recently formed a sidewalk committee to address the less than desirable condition of the (existing) sidewalks in town. There is a sidewalk ordinance, however, you're right - for the most part it's not enforced, and the time has come (long since passed?) to take some action. We are currently looking for guidance from neighboring communities to assist us with the process. With the warmer weather fast approaching (wasn't it great yesterday), I'm hopeful that things will begin progressing on this front. The goal right now is to get the EXISTING sidewalks (and I stress the word EXISTING) that are in really bad shape (e.g. broken, significantly heaved up due to frost/tree roots, etc.) into "compliance". We just need to determine what compliance means. Of course, there will be issues, the biggest one for most folks being $$$, which will need to be addressed somehow. What's the right answer? I don't know. My hope is that we can all work together as a council and community at large to come up a solution that everyone can live with and get this problem resolved. Stay tuned . . .

2. High Street Park. The grant has been received (the letter was read publicly last night at the council meeting) and construction should begin in a few weeks on the basketball and volleyball courts, along with the parking lot. I'm looking forward to getting that project finished, as it will be a huge asset to the community.

3. Technology Committee. Did you know that Tatamy Borough had a website? Well, it doesn't yet (it's under construction) but stay tuned. I'm actively pursuing that one and hope to have something online by June. What would you like to see available? Let me know your thoughts. It will be "your" website.

4. Police Committee. We hired an officer last night to backfill an open position that was left after the unfortunate incident last year. The officer that was selected will be a great asset to the department and the borough. Be on the lookout for him and say "hello" next time you see him.

5. Tatamy Hunt Lighting. We hope to have the street lights turned on in the Tatamy Hunt development as soon as we can. We're currently working with the utility to make the arrangements to turn them on. We recognize this is a critical safety issue and are working to resolve it quickly.

6. Annual Easter Egg Hunt - will be held in Braden Park on Sunday 3/16 (Palm Sunday). Come out with the kids and have some fun.

FYI - Borough Council meets the first Monday of every month at 7:30PM in the Borough Hall. Come, get involved, voice your opinion, see what's going on. The more the merrier! I look forward to seeing you there!

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