Saturday, March 7, 2009

Borough Council Roundup - March 2009

At this month's council meeting, about the only important item of business worth mentioning is the fact that the position of Assistant Borough Secretary was eliminated, effective immediately. We hope to use some of the money saved to create a new position as part-time Borough Treasurer. While the job description hasn't been completely developed, in my mind (and mine only) the ideal candidate should have a background in accounting and finance, and should also have experience dealing with municipal budgets. The employment committee is supposed to be formalizing the job description, and it is my hope that we can begin advertising and interviewing for this newly created position soon. Once we hire a treasurer, Joanne will strictly be responsible for the day to day administrative activities for the borough and will be reclassified as Borough Secretary.

Other than that, there's not much else to report on this month.

Spring is coming - in fact don't forget to "spring ahead" tonight before going to bed and turn your clocks ahead one hour. Don't worry, you'll regain that lost hour of sleep in November.

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